SCHOTT Optical Filter Glass

SCHOTT Optical Filter Glass is a non-crystalline, inorganic mixture of chemicals fused by heating with silica, boric or phosphoric oxides. These glasses have characteristics of selective transmittance, capable of passing certain light wavelengths, while being opaque to others. Due to their unique spectral properties, optical filter glasses are used in a wide variety of applications such as Fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and lithography, among many others.

Most optical filter glass falls into the following categories:

  • Longpass Filters – block undesired, shorter wavelengths
  • Bandpass Filters – selectively transmit a desired wavelengths
  • Shortpass Filters – block undesired, longer wavelengths
  • Neutral Density Filters – exhibit nearly constant transmission, especially in the visible range

With knowledge of your transmission and environmental requirements, China Glass Quartz Parts Inc. can assist with selecting the best filter glass to meet your needs. CGQPI can then CNC mill, cut, drill, lap, and polish the glass to many sizes, shapes, and surface finishes.

Longpass Filters

Longpass optical filter glasses allow long wavelengths to pass through and are characterized by the fact that a range of low transmission (blocking range) n the short wavelength range is joined to an area of high transmission (pass band) in the long wavelength range.

Longpass optical filter glasses are structured according to the following group names:

  • GG – Nearly colorless to yellow glass, IR-transmitting
  • OG – Orange glass, IR-transmitting
  • RG – Red and black glass, IR-transmitting
  • N-WG – Colorless glasses with different cutoffs in the UV, transmitting in the visible and IR ranges

At China Glass Quartz Parts Inc., we offer the following SCHOTT longpass optical filter glasses:

BG3 GG420 OG550 RG695
N-WG280 GG435 OG570 RG715
N-WG295 GG455 OG590 RG9
N-WG305 GG475 RG610 RG780
N-WG320 GG495 RG630 RG830
GG395 OG515 RG645 RG850
GG400 OG530 RG665 RG1000

Bandpass Filters

Bandpass optical filter glasses selectively transmit a desired wavelength range and are characterized by the fact that they connect a region of high transmission (pass band) and shorter and longer wavelength ranges with low transmission (blocking ranges).

Bandpass optical filter glasses are structured according to the following group names:

  • UG – UV-transmitting glass
  • BG – Blue, blue-green, and multiband glass
  • VG – Green glass

At China Glass Quartz Parts Inc., we offer the following SCHOTT bandpass optical filter glasses:

UG1 BG25 BG55 BG64
UG5 BG39 BG60HT BG67
UG11 BG40 BG61 BG67HT
BG3 BG42 BG62 VG9
BG7 S8612 BG62HT VG20
BG18 BG50 BG63

NVIS Bandpass Filters – NVIS Glass with a special color and high optical density for Near IR*

  • S8022
  • S8023

Multi Bandpass Filter – light of several bands of wavelengths can pass through this filter

  • BG36

Shortpass Filters

Shortpass optical filter glasses allow short wavelengths to pass through while long wavelengths are blocked. Typically, the slope at the transition between the pass band and blocking range of a longpass filter is much steeper than the slope of a shortpass filter.

Shortpass optical filter glasses are structured according to the following group name:

  • KG – Virtually colorless glass with high transmission in the visible and high absorption in the IR ranges (heat protection filters)

At China Glass Quartz Parts Inc., we offer the following SCHOTT shortpass optical filter glasses:

  • KG1
  • KG2
  • KG3
  • KG5

Neutral Density Filters

Neutral Density optical filter glasses exhibit nearly constant spectral transmittance in the range of visible light, for example from 400 nm to 800 nm, and are therefore only slightly wavelength dependent. Neutral density filters are perfectly grey in color.

Neutral Density optical filter glasses are structured according to the following group names:

  • NG Grey glass with uniform attenuation in the visible range

At China Glass Quartz Parts Inc., we offer the following SCHOTT Neutral Density optical filter glasses:

  • NG1
  • NG3
  • NG4
  • NG5
  • NG9
  • NG11